
Monday, 20 April 2009

Dai 6 ka


  1. N + + Verb(transitive) → to indicate direct object of the transitive verb.
  2. N + + shimasu → the objects of the verb shimasu cover a fairly wide range.
  3. N(place) + + Verb → The particle で indicates the place where the action occurs.
  4. V + masenka → It is used when you want to invite someone to do something.
  5. V + mashou → It is used when the speaker is positively inviting the listener to do something with the speaker.
  6. N(tools/means) + + V → indicates a method or a mean.
  7. Subject + + person + + object + agemasu → It's giving action. It shows that the subject give object to the person. The others verb like kashimasu , oshiemasu,… etc, is also describe giving action.
  8. Subject + + person + + object + moraimasu → It's receiving action. It shows that the subject receive object from the person. The others verb like karimasu and naraimasu is also describe receiving action.
  9. Mou + Verb(mashita) → mou means already, and used with verb in the past. The answer to the question Mou+ V(mashita) ka, is "hai, mou V(mashita)" or "iie, mada desu"
  10. Person ++ no + Noun indicates the person or thing to which an action directed. The common meaning is "to" or "for".


  1. Kore wa anata e no purezento desu. >> This is a present for you.
  2. Sore wa okāsan e no tegami desu. >> That is letter for your mother.
  3. Sushi o tabemasu. >> I will eat sushi.
  4. Ashita anata wa kaigi o shimasu. >> You will hold a meeting tomorrow.
  5. Toshokan de manga o yomimasu. >> I read comic at library.
  6. Isshoni Bari e ikimasenka. Ee, ii desu ne. >> Won't you come to Bali with us? That's a good idea.
  7. Chotto yasumimashou. >> Let's have a break.
  8. Hashi de gohan o tabemasu. >> I eat rice with chopstick.
  9. Mou hirugohan o tabemashita ka. Iie, mada desu. >> Have you eaten your lunch? No, not yet.
  10. David-san wa Angeline-san ni hana o agemasu. >> Mr. David give blossom to Ms. Angeline.
  11. Angel Steven-san ni okane o kashimashita. >> I lent my money to Ms. Angel Steven.
  12. Cowens-san ni nihon-go o oshiemasu. >> I teach Cowens Japanese.
  13. Regina-san ni T-shatsu o moraimashita. >> I received T-shirt from Regina.
  14. Wan-san ni chuugoku-go o moraimasu. >> I learn Chinese from Ms. Wang.
  15. "Konnichiwa" wa Indonesia-go de nan desuka. "Selamat siang" desu. >> What is "Konnichiwa" in Indonesian? It is "Selamat siang".


  1. Tabemasu     : eat
  2. Nomimasu     : drink
  3. Yomimasu     : read
  4. Mimasu     : see, watch
  5. Suimasu     : smoke
  6. Kakimasu     : write
  7. Kikimasu     : listen
  8. Kaimasu     : buy
  9. Torimasu     : take
  10. Shimasu     : do
  11. Aimasu     : meet
  12. Kirimasu     : cut, slice
  13. Okurimasu     : send
  14. Agemasu     : give
  15. Moraimasu     : receive
  16. Kashimasu     : lend
  17. Karimasu     : borrow
  18. Oshiemasu     : teach
  19. Naraimasu     : learn
  20. Denwa o Kakemasu     : make a telephone call
  21. Hirugohan     : lunch
  22. Asagohan     : breakfast
  23. Eiga     : movie
  24. Tegami     : letter
  25. Hana     : blossom, flower
  26. Shatsu     : shirt
  27. Okane     : money
  28. Hashi     : chopstick
  29. Te     : hand
  30. Chichi     : (my) father
  31. Haha     : (my) mother
  32. Otousan     : (someone else's) father
  33. Okāsan     : (someone else's) mother
  34. Mada     : not yet
  35. Supūn     : spoon
  36. Fōku     : fork
  37. Naigu     : knife
  38. Hasami     : scissors
  39. Pasokon     : personal computer
  40. Kami     : paper
  41. Purezento     : gift, present
  42. Nimotsu     : parcel

1 comment:

  1. thanks a lot! i've learned so many things!
